Saturday, August 14, 2004

Setting Out

I've been thinking about this blog thing for a long time now and tonight I decided it was time. I'm setting out on this new journey of public journaling. Thinking out loud, live and in color, for all to see and comment if they so choose. Even as I do this I'm having second thoughts, "Do you really think this is wise? Giving people one more opportunity to critique your life? You already live in a fish-bowl, surrounded by people who dazzle in the hobby of lifestyle criticism--what are you thinking?" Here's the deal...I've stepped into a new place of self-awareness and understanding. I've come to a place where I can say to the "opinionator," "It's not about you!" While thinking to myself, "It's not about you either!" It's about God! My life is His. This life is His. I live each day seeking to honor and please Him with every thought, word and deed. Some days I do really well and others...Well, there's definitely room for improvement! I don't know why it took 32 years to learn this, but I'm thankful it didn't take 40, 50 or more. I'm thankful that God loved me through those 32 years and never gave up on me. He is an on time God that has purpose and destiny in store for me. I'm learning each day to trust his driving. Let the journey begin!


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