Monday, November 07, 2005

Tomorrow is the Day to Vote

Tomorrow the people of Mason will once again go to the polls to approve the school levy that they approved in May.(The vote is actually to turn down the referendum so it's a "no" vote.) Why... you ask? Apparently, every five years you can appeal a levy or put a referendum on the ballot to roll back previous taxes (I personally don't understand the mess and I'm annoyed that the vote in May wasn't enough). People are annoyed at the schools because their taxes keep increasing. I'm annoyed that while we continue to pay our state legislatures, they continue to do nothing about the state funding situation for education that was determined to be unconstitutional over ten years ago. Forty-nine other states have found A WAY TO DO IT. DO YOUR JOB! PICK ONE and put a stop to the levy and anti-levy BS that keeps occurring year after year. It makes my head hurt. I personally think the students of Mason could come up with a solution before the politicians in Columbus will. There...Rant over!


At 11:38 AM, Blogger Danielle said...

Has it really been ten years already? And no progress. What a joke. I heartily agree.


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