Monday, May 02, 2005

Hurt Begets Hurt

He walked in to the coffee shop as he does every morning. I was annoyed with him as I am every time I see him. I don't know him well, only that he and his family visited my church and decided not to stay. I took it as an offense. My church was my life and every time someone decided not to stay there was something wrong with me. Imagine the pain I've endured over the five year life of the church. That doesn't include the personal attacks and other baggage flinging that took place. But, the sad thing is that this pain is not a new thing. I've endured this kind of pain my whole life. My therapist, who I'm sure is a student of Shrek says I'm an onion (so are you). When I was a child like many folks, I suffered through some difficult experiences that created some bad spots. Have you ever reached into your onion bucket and grabbed an onion only to put your finger deep into a slimy spot? It's major nasty! That onion with the bad spot is not too different from an individual who has been through something difficult and it's not healed correctly. The bad spot bleeds over into the next set of layers. God wants to bring healing to those spots if we'll allow him. He doesn't want me to be pissed at people (especially for stupid reasons like chooosing not to stay at my church). A great learning for less than $2000.00! My apologies to the people I've hurt because of my hurt.


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