Thursday, June 23, 2005

Fun in the Sun!

Summer is going well. The house is coming along. We're having trouble killing the stink of cat and smoke that prevailed with the previous owner. It doesn't help when your pregnant wife has a bionic sniffer. Recently, I've been smelling stuff that she doesn't so it's all madness. We've spent a couple days by the pool which was nice and we're gearing up for a trip to Geneva-on-the-lake. (Just kidding...try here.) I've preached a couple of times at different churches and we've visited a couple more. I have a feeling finding a church is going to be a major hemorrhoid! I'm starting to want to build things around the house which is good indication that the counseling is working. I typically don't do anything mechanical. It was just better for everyone if I didn't. Now look at me! "All things new" comes to mind.


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