New Job 4 Now
Started a new job last week as a long term sub for a high school nearby. For next 5-7 weeks I'll be a Support Ed. teacher responsible for 11 Seniors.
It's a lot like the Golden Corral. Some things are worth taking a second look because it might taste good, while others are worth the second look because it's just plain fascinating.
Started a new job last week as a long term sub for a high school nearby. For next 5-7 weeks I'll be a Support Ed. teacher responsible for 11 Seniors.
I've been wrestling the last few days with what my part should be concerning aid for those devastated by the hurricane. Get this...I've even been wrestling with whether I should be wrestling with how I should help. I don't feel a call to go, but I do feel we need to give. The question much? I don't wrestle with "who" to give it to. That's a matter of using common sense and giving to those agencies that have a proven track record of integrity.