Thursday, April 28, 2005

the journey

"Once, there was a man who was walking down the street and fell into one of those open-sewer holes. A pharmacist walked by, saw him there, and wrote him a prescription and threw it down to him. A priest walked by, heard him down there, took out some paper, and wrote him a prayer, and tossed it in the hole. Finally, a friend walked by, saw the man and jumped into the hole with him. The man exclaimed, 'Are you insane?! Now we're BOTH stuck in here.' The friend answered, 'Yes, but the difference is, I've been down here before, and I know the way out.' " Quote from theThe West Wing

Monday, April 18, 2005

Spring Cleaning

We're getting ready to move in a couple of weeks and as we begin the packing craze I am amazed at how much junk we have accumulated in such a short amount of time. Life is like a house. We can gather a lot of stuff in our lives if we're not careful. There's something to be said for spring cleaning where one takes the time to let go of some stuff. I don't think we've ever had a spring cleaning. AHHA! That's why we have so much stuff.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

I'm Back

First, they offered us a long term associate position in Columbus which we turned down.
Then, they offered us a position as the English-speaking pastor at a Korean church in an African-American community. We said, "Does anyone else think this sounds crazy?"
The Last appointment they offered was in a very small community in the middle of nowhere about 80 miles from here (A little too far for my wife to commute). We said, "No."
We will remain on leave of absence. We're closing on a house in Mason the beginning of May. What am I going to do? There's a golf course about a stone's throw from our new house. God gave me a sign right by the road that said, "Now Hiring." I said, "Yes, Lord. I will go where you lead me. Green pastures and still waters--Here I come."
One last thing. The Bishop's secretary emailed me and said the Bishop wanted to see me next week. Why do I feel like I'm back in high school, getting sent to the principal's office?