Friday, December 03, 2004

Two Bad Days and Counting...

Had a grand time at the Inquisition yesterday. I think I would have been treated with more respect had I committed adultery with the butcher's wife. I didn't realize I was being misunderstood until it was too late. The belligerent questioning continued in rapid succession until I thought to myself, "Is this a nightmare or some alternate universe?" I felt like the Vietnam Vet who got off the plane after his tour of duty and was smacked in the face by a tomato. How dare I call my appointment a "mess." Those are people you're talking about. How insensitive! Did I mention that I volunteered to take a Leave of Absence so the Cabinet would have more time to find an appointment for us. I volunteered to not get a paycheck and what's my reward? I got to spend an hour with a group of people who chewed me up because I didn't use their terminology, called their church irrelevant, and told them the truth about my situation (which was my first and greatest mistake). Did I tell you that the one guy slept through most of the meeting? A great time was had by all!

Had my first MRI this morning. The cramp quarters wasn't so bad, but the noise was deafening. Then came the shot of dye that felt like crap and made me nauseous which is a problem when you're stuck in that skinny tube. Where will the vomit go? They told me to let them know if I needed anything. I did....Nothing. Hello...Nothing. I began to sweat which is what I do right before I throw up. The cool air hit my sweat and I began to feel better.
A few moments ago the MRI center called to let me know they needed me to return at 2 pm for some more pictures because they didn't go low enough. "Oh, and we'll need to do the dye again." Lucky me!

I'm just not living right....


At 6:42 PM, Blogger Danielle said...

I don't know you (I'm good buddies with the BG Dilbones), but my heart hurts when I read of your current situation. I can't say anything profound or encouraging, but know that I am praying for you and your wife through all of this.

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Dan said...

We'll take all the prayer we can get. Thank you for caring enough to do so.

At 1:14 AM, Blogger Chris said...

We're praying for both your health and sanity...seriously though...I wish there was more we could do or say...

At 1:32 AM, Blogger Jay said...

Have courage!


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