This blogging stuff is pretty therapeutic. Please excuse my rant from this morning. So far I've lost 1/3 of my congregation in the last four weeks. Some have left because they were uncomfortable with the charismatics and then the charismatics up and left. So here's the deal... next Tuesday night we're meeting with the District Supt. to discus the future of our church. What are options you ask?
1. Keep going till the money runs out around January.
2. Join the downtown church as their contemporary service (if they would even want that) or
3. Put the dog to rest!
I have mixed emotions. Probably because we're talking about the possibility of putting my baby down, but the reality of this dog is that it's blind, deaf and it's peeing on the floor every time you turn around. Now, you can probably fix the peeing with some medication, but she's still going to run into the walls, fall down the steps and not come when you call her. So, do you put her down? Maybe I need to be put down?
here's a prophetic word for ya..."move to BG and start a church in the Dilbarn"
what happened to my comment? It must have gotten eaten by the comment gods
Here's a prophetic word for ya, move to BG and start a church in the Dilbarn...
Seriously though, we will be praying for you and Tina as you search out His will in this messy situation. Just remember Dan, you are building the kingdom every day by simply being who you have allowed yourself to become through the power of Christ. All of this kindgom building is happening in your lives with or without the title "pastor", a congregation to shepherd, a building to meet in, a budget to plan around, or anything else that feels safe and familiar to you...
I don't know what else to just seemed like I was supposed to say that for whatever that's worth.
What's going on here...I comment a second time and then my first comment finally shows up two days late???
Thanks for the "word." Your prayers and encouragment are very important to us. Just got back from rafting the New River in WV. Great trip minus the boat rash.
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