Wednesday, November 30, 2005


They say a watched pot never boils. Now, let's be real clear about one thing--I am under no circumstances calling my beautiful, pregnant wife a "pot." But, I have to say I've been watching her real close the last three weeks and nothing's happening. I'm beginning to think this kid's not going to pop out until it's time for kindergarten.


Monday, November 28, 2005

Great Devotion

I read a great devotion today and thought I'd share it. It was from Beth Moore's Living Proof site.

Here are the highlights concerning Elijah and some potential "Joy Busters."

Text: 1 Kings 18:16- Chapt. 19

List of Joy Busters...

1. When our outpour exceeds our intake
2. When out talk exceeds our walk
3. When we become "wonder junkies."
4. When we are exhausted.
5. When we are alone.

As I read the list, a frightening and painful thought occurred to me, "What happens when they all describe you at the same time?" That's where I was a little over a year ago. Thank you Jesus for your redemptive work. Thank you for making all things new.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Starting to Enjoy Church Again

We started a new series at Church today called "redefining Christmas: A Return to Revolution." It was a good message and a great reminder of the reason for the season. My favorite part of today is getting up late, going for a bagel and coffee, getting to church a little late, going home and fixing brunch and watching some football. I've finally gotten to the place where I really enjoy going to church on Sunday. Don't tell anyone, but I actually look forward to it.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

There & Back

I made it to the wedding and back without a hitch (With the exception of getting there and not having any service for my cell phone). The service was beautiful. The message was AMAZING! Tina's Mom and Grandma came down and brought us some bonafide Thanksgiving food. It was awesome. Tina and I had dinner at 4:30 pm. I think we're gearing up for the geriatric world or something.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Still Waiting

I probably should be enjoying the peace and quiet of my house right now but I'm not. I'm anxious and I can't help it. We've been waiting for this gift for a lot longer than 9 mos. and while I love putting my hand on my wife's belly and feeling the baby move, I'm ready to hold it in my arms and look into it's eyes. I'm even ready to change some diapers and get puked on. I'm supposed to be at a rehearsal right now in Urbana for a wedding I'm helping officiate tomorrow. I decided I didn't need to be away from home any more than what's absolutely necessary, so tomorrow I'll go and wing it a bit. The couple getting married were in my youth group years ago and I'm excited for them and the future God has in store. I'm currently working on a mixed worship CD for while we're in labor (kind of funny saying "we're" I'm going along to duck and say, "you're doing beautifully").

Monday, November 21, 2005

Holding Pattern

The baby is now officially "ripe," or as the Dr. would say..."full term." There were no changes from last week which was kind of a let down in a way. It's like Christmas--the gifts are bought and wrapped and lying beautifully under the tree. A lot of people don't know this, but the gifts don't like to wait either. Why wait? Why go to all the sadistic trouble of postponing an amazing experience of giving and receiving? I'm ready to see what this thing looks like!

On a similar yet different note...Thank you to all of you dear souls who have offered us "encouragement" by saying things like...

"You know the first six weeks are hell, right?"

"Can't wait for you to eat some of your words now that you'll have one."

"I hope you're ready for this."

"Dude, they just eat, sleep, cry and poop."

"Breastfed babies don't have allergies. Except for the few who do."

"I hope you're ready to not get any sleep."

I don't think people mean to be dumb. I just think it comes naturally. I'm sure I do it too. (At least once anyway)

Here's a helpful sidebar that relates to saying stupid things...

Fact: 1 in 5 couples or 20% struggle with infertility.

Hint: Probably not a good idea to say to a couple who have been married a while and don't have children, "So, when are you two going to finally breakdown and have some children of your own?" And please, whatever you do. If you've caught yourself having said this, do not continue with helpful advice like, "If you wait until you can afford them you'll never have them." It's like suggesting a prostrate exam to someone with severe hemorrhoid problems. Ouch and Double Ouch!

Thursday, November 17, 2005


We'll know more after her weekly Dr. Appointment today. A little surprised Jr. is not here yet but they said this was a possibility.

Summary of Subbing Story:

A current events discusion ensued over the Carolina Panther's Cheerleaders getting fired for--bad things.
A female student who will remain nameless asked, "Who was having sex in the bathroom?" "They were," came the reply from across the room. A puzzled look came across her face and she finally asked, "How is that possible?"
I told her to save that question for her history teacher.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Current Events

Anti-levy Group 0

My Wife's Belly: HUGE
Her Cervix: Dialated* 2-3 Centimeters (I've said inches a couple of times and been readily corrected)
Extra Information: 80% Affaced*

Great subbing story...soon.

*Could be some spelling errors.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Good Book?

I really could've used this book before I got into ministry.

There are so many toxic people in the church masquerading as mature disciples/leaders/chairpersons/elders/deacons/pastors etc. Many of them have worn the mask so long they don't even realize it's a pose.

Holy Spirit...we need your truth, your love and you freedom. Teach us to hear your voice, believe your Words, and obey. Show us how to to do this thing!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Tomorrow is the Day to Vote

Tomorrow the people of Mason will once again go to the polls to approve the school levy that they approved in May.(The vote is actually to turn down the referendum so it's a "no" vote.) Why... you ask? Apparently, every five years you can appeal a levy or put a referendum on the ballot to roll back previous taxes (I personally don't understand the mess and I'm annoyed that the vote in May wasn't enough). People are annoyed at the schools because their taxes keep increasing. I'm annoyed that while we continue to pay our state legislatures, they continue to do nothing about the state funding situation for education that was determined to be unconstitutional over ten years ago. Forty-nine other states have found A WAY TO DO IT. DO YOUR JOB! PICK ONE and put a stop to the levy and anti-levy BS that keeps occurring year after year. It makes my head hurt. I personally think the students of Mason could come up with a solution before the politicians in Columbus will. There...Rant over!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Bengals are For Real!
